Tuesday, June 07, 2005


So let's just say stuff like this makes me a little nervous. I feel better when I A) act/read something written by someone else B) say something more impromptu.

The last time i gave a talk in church, my talk made no sense. Luckily I was still calm and composed. The talk I gave before that made sense, but was read directly from my paper. My only hope is that people were getting a lot from their own spiritual pondering b/c I doubt anyone got anything from my inspired ramblings. I know I don't really listen when people's talks don't make sense or are read from a paper.

Two church talks are all I have given. People if you happen to think about it, please pray for me this Sunday? 10 min. is a long time to speak in front of people and I am scared.


Leah said...

Dude, just ramble. Those are my favorite talks anyway. All anybody wants to hear are your applicable stories. One time I rambled so long, the high council speaker only had like 4 minutes. I think he was mad. Hee hee. You're in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

I'll burn a candle for you this sunday!! It gets better when you do it more often, well that is my experience.

kat said...

talks are terrifying, but i'm sure you'll do great.

Tiff said...

You'll do wonderful! Don't worry.
I always write out an outline with any quotes or scriptures written out verbatim. That way I have something to reference but don't end up reading it.
Love you babe!

Anonymous said...

How did it go??? Damn, I thought of you at sunday morning my time...
Dikke knuffel!! hihi

Tiff said...

My question as well...how was it?