Wednesday, March 05, 2008


when you tell someone your woes or even your happiness. the thing that makes you feel good is the other person validating your feelings. Just listening. Not advising, excusing, or pitying. Just listening. Have you noticed this is true. Unless advice is asked for or wanted. It's better to smile and nod or look interested and nod. It really is.


Juliette said...

Hey, sorry if I'm ever one of those annoying people who gives unwanted advice. I try to do and say the right things and sometimes I come off as a lame-o. And while we're on the subject, allow me to sincerely apologize for talking too much. Good day to you, kind Miss.

The Stromberg Epic said...

Good advice Eddie, I think you are a great listener or I mean I know!

Dennis said...

It's a guy thing, giving unwanted solutions to a problem. isn't it ?

yea - we should all try to listen more instead of talking..

Chester B. said...

Nod, nod, nod.

kat said...

i am right there with you.