I just received this email from my mom. Am I surprised? Well, not really. My parents, in my earlier life, did A TON of campaigning, but before it was mostly city wide stuff. I remember working at game booths at fairs to earn money for the residents association, walking flyers for different causes or people running for office, picking my dad up after spending all day a the grocery store getting people to sign petitions, staying up really late waiting for election results to come in, parties for candidates etc. etc. etc. Was it any wonder that my first major in college was International Relations? I mean it had to be politics related didn't it?
So now I am doing elementary education totally unpolitical right? WRONG! Education is something my parents are both pretty passionate about. My dad reads A LOT and when I was younger he would "force" us to watch these "really boring" civil war movies and we would get paid for any educational programming we would watch... yea you heard it PAID. My mom was an English teacher by university training and then a school board member for eight years... eight long years. At any rate I will probably be politicking again here soon, especially if my parents DO move to Utah because they will be dragging me to everything. I love my parents and their example to be involved! Now if only UTAH were a swing state ;)
That's pretty funny your dad paid you to watch educational tv...So are your parents thinking about moving here?
haha, your parents are the best. I'd join them in a second. Seriously. :)
PS. I love what you've done to your blog ! Teach me how to pimp up mine !!
OMG! I've been neglecting your blog so bad!
It looks brilliant, well done with that new lay-out!
Please, get more political; it's such a fresh breeze to hear from Americans with GOOD ideas, GOOD morale and (at least some descent amount of) INTELLECT! :-D
I wish I could be (somehow) involved in swinging the non-swing states around... but i'm afraid there's not a lot a can do from here... is there?
(I saw on a programme last night there's a 106 year old American nun that wanted to register for voting over the internet (she lives in Rome, Italy), but she couldn't... because the webform to fill in her birthdate didn't allow birthdates before 1905... (:-))
" looks brilliant, well done with that new lay-out!"
thanks, now to learn how to program it myself instead of just using someone else's XML template.
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