Monday, October 27, 2008

Photo Story Project- Fun and easy to use program!

I know this isn't the most amazing story ever, but the program is still fun and it's free if you have an authentic windows XP operating system.


Juliette said...

Hey, that's cool! Kinda cheesy, but cool. :o)

Emily A. said...

Lol. I love how Jed sounds like he's just a little slow...a little s...l...o....w......

So, are you saying that you can put this together with a Windows program?

Mrs. Bean said...

yes yes, if you have windows xp you can download it

Mrs. Bean said...

4th graders love cheese ;)

Mrs. Bean said...

mr.s bean = eddie the girl... it's my teacher name

Leah Z said...

The best part of this was hearing your voice!