Friday, April 24, 2009

Only Finals are left

Well, this has been a busy semester to say the least.
-First of all I switched jobs. I never would have except I need to take a specific math class and switching jobs was my only option. This meant no more boring days and no more internet access at work. It also meant I couldn't do homework at work.
-Secondly, I took a heavier course load this semester. This was so that I could apply to get an internship to teach for the 2009-20010 school year. I really wanted this so I knew the extra class would be worth it.

It's just been busy. My poor grandmother, I haven't taken her shopping since before Christmas. This is ok because she has other help, but she can not get out on her own she appreciates every opportunity.

My busy life isn't ending, however, it may just be beginning. This summer I will be going to school again. This will be my 3rd semester out of 4 of teaching certification. In August I will start teaching 5th grade. By December I will be done with course work. In April 2010 I'll get a diploma and my Teacher's licence. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....


Juliette said...

Wow, you ARE busy!! That's so cool that you got the internship!

Leanna said...

Yeah for Eddie for posting! Good luck with are almost there. While it will be more work teaching next year...I think it will be way more fun and way more practical. So excited for you!

Emily A. said...

Way to go Eddie! You rock as usual!

Leah said...

Good work!

Chester B. said...

Nice work, Eddie.
It'll go very quickly, I'm sure.
Keep up the good work!