College is a great personal example of years of preparation. I vividly remember the stress I felt in 6th grade about doing well in class so I could get into the advanced High School classes so that I could get into a good college. SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THAT. I dropped out of the “good college” I got into and now barley go even to the local college. But that is OK because when I am 25 I'll do it for real. But what as all that anguish for as a twelve- year- old? Bottom line... sometimes you can only do things when you are ready, so at 24, I finally don't bite my nails any more. And that my friends, is something you have to be ready for.
It's not a race, you know.
I have to be ready to go driving during rush hour...only, I don't think that I ever am.
That's a HUGE accomplishment! Well done!
Isn't it funny how it takes years and years for our brains to develop to the point that we can just live life kinda chill rather than frantically trying to always push harder and grow up faster and always be the best? I think people are truly adults when they can just sit back and chill about life like you are. It doesn't happen at 18, and it certainly would've been nice if I knew that when I was younger.
Good for you for stopping the nail-biting. That can be a tough habit to break.
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